What's New with My Site?
I update my site after each of my trips and after each season. So, every few months, my site will change drastically; please check back frequently! I'm planning on doing a lot of photography when I drive through Alaska with my family this summer, so that will be the next major site revision. If you have any questions about amateur photography that you'd like me to write about, please contact me.

What's New With My Travels?
I recently returned from a week in Venice, Italy. With 400 bridges and 114 canals, Venice is a photographer's dream. Uniqueness and stories seep out of each slight bend in Venice's narrow corridors and calli (paths). The picture at the left shows some of the boats that become Venetians' mainstay. Venice is famous for its gondolas, which work well for traveling on shallow water, but, in reality, residents travel using motorboats. The always-black gondolas are reserved for tourists.